Sunday, July 27, 2008

What are the causes of the downfall of youth other than parents and individual?

You can not lay all the blame of course on the children they are doing what they are giving permission to do. Their parents take no care in the matter. They let them run wild and make no rules or they don't enforce the rules put forth before them.Now some teens I myself being a highly graded Senior in High School, and also a freshman in College at the same resent the fact that some of the teens in my community.Discipline is what we are missing these days everywhere and the government isn't doing anything to help. Passing laws that keeps parents from disciplining their children as has been done throughout history.Things were going good until people said wait we can't beat them cause that's what are parents did to us and we don't want to be like them. this initially was a good idea until ignorant people took it way to far. I can say complete and utter beatings are horrible but a spanking isn't something to go to jail for. and you also have to think, if the dumb people stop going then the smart people don't have to deal with them and they can gain more knowledge yes? so we will have smarter people running everything right? maybe then we wont have ignorant people passing laws that end certain things yes?

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